1st Metheringham Scout Troop previous     next

22 September 2016

The Rotary Club of Lincoln responding to a request from the 1st Metheringham Scout Troop to demonstrate a Shelterbox was pleased to despatch Malcolm Webb and David Drury. After a brief introduction by Malcolm the Scouts were set the task of erecting the tent. With plenty of help and enthusiasm the tent was soon ready for occupation.

Just to prove that the tent can accommodate a family of ten, the whole troop present on the night and the leaders occupied the tent with space to spare.

Following the tent demonstration, Malcolm showed the other contents of the box and explained the use of each item. To end the evening the Scouts were challenged to get the tent and groundsheet back in the bag, a task that routinely defeats Rotarians. This they managed with space to spare.

The club meets on Mondays at
The Nightingale,
116 Nettleham Rd., Lincoln, LN2 1RR

Maps available at multimap.com.

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